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Army Medical Command Financial Management and Comptroller Division

Our Work  

Knowesis teamed with Intrepid to support the General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) requirements and solutions processes. GFEBS develops, acquires, integrates, deploys, and sustains enterprise-wide financial and procurement management capabilities to support the Army’s current and future missions.  

GFEBS is the Army’s cloud-based financial, asset, and accounting management system that standardizes, streamlines, and shares critical data across the active-duty Army, the Army National Guard, and the Army Reserve. Army MEDCOM shares GFEBS financial data with the Defense Health Agency (DHA) and collaborates to provide feedback on current processes as well as provide recommendations to drive solutions with MEDCOM that will assist in future mission success.  

Our Results

The collective team’s efforts assist in establishing a Financial Management capability to address audit response and remediation requirements, GFEBS accounting, and financial management support. The audit response and remediation capability facilitates communication between multiple stakeholders while developing and implementing corrective action plans for MEDCOM specific audit findings. The GFEBS accounting capability addresses the legacy unliquidated obligations and facilitates the Triannual Review. The financial management capability assists MEDCOM Office of the Surgeon General Directorates in facilitating internal and external staff coordination regarding financial analysis/assessments, developing policy recommendations based on economic analysis, and communicating senior leader decisions to key stakeholders.


Knowesis ensures the Army Financial Management systems and processes are modernized and integrated to provide a complete range of financial and cost information needed for the Army to conduct business transactions, provide accountability to the public, and to support performance reporting and decision making.

Army Medical Command Financial Management and Comptroller Division

  • The U.S. Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) is a direct reporting unit of the U.S. Army that provides command and control of the Army's fixed-facility medical, dental, and veterinary treatment facilities, providing preventive care, medical research and development, and training institutions. To facilitate its mission, MEDCOM Enterprise Resource Planning Initiatives supports the lifecycle of the financial management system that drives these activities. Continued efforts are required to improve the financial management of the system and business processes.

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